6 Unsettling Truths About Corruption In Malaysia Uncovered By Sarawak Report In One Week
6 Unsettling Truths About Corruption In Malaysia Uncovered By Sarawak Report In One Week

Amidst the furore surrounding PM Najib Razak's alleged siphoning of funds from the debt-ridden 1MDB, Sarawak Report has been quite relen...

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Who says elections will be held tomorrow, there’s ample time, says Najib
Who says elections will be held tomorrow, there’s ample time, says Najib

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said Barisan Nasional and Umno still have ample time to gain the public's confidence ...

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新“副首相”:敢诬蔑我 罪无可恕!…(大马人民要小心了)
新“副首相”:敢诬蔑我 罪无可恕!…(大马人民要小心了)

国内焦点 阿末扎希:敢诬蔑我 罪无可恕! 综合报导 阿末扎希声称已动员警方调查谁在网络造谣。─人民邮报Adib摄─ (乔治市2日讯)副首相兼内政部长拿督斯里阿末扎希警告,造谣者勿诬蔑他的名声,更不要与他玩火。 他在否认他曾作出声明要封锁社交媒体时, 强调有人以他的...

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刚上任的副首相的説法, 几乎可以肯定了国阵单元教育的方向是明確的..
刚上任的副首相的説法, 几乎可以肯定了国阵单元教育的方向是明確的..

针对多元教育阻碍国民团结根本是藉口... 一) 在校华小生人数近七十万'与在校独中人数的七万相比,証明了90%华裔生自华小毕业后会直接进入国中就读,与各友族相处共同受教五至六年的国中巫語課程. 二)只占10%华裔生就读的独中如何能破坏国民团结? 三)請认清一...

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Najib fall into Mahathir's trap Step by Step
Najib fall into Mahathir's trap Step by Step

Written by Nawawi Mohamad The Najib-Muhyiddin imbroglio has come to a stage of no return between the two Umno leaders all because ...

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作者:Nawawi Mohamad 中文翻译:张丹枫 表面风光的纳吉,实际上已经掉入马哈迪为他而设的陷阱! 他可以开除甚至逮捕政敌,但是最终他不得不投降。为什么?请细读本文就明白了。 因为一马发展公司丑闻,纳吉与慕尤丁之间的裂痕已经无法弥补。纳吉被指责领导无方...

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Get a Free AirAsia Ticket to Maldives or RM399 Flight Tickets Promotion
Get a Free AirAsia Ticket to Maldives or RM399 Flight Tickets Promotion

Fly from Kuala Lumpur to  Maldives  for only RM399 all-in-fare with  AirAsia Airlines .  Flight package  includes 20kg baggage & 1 m...

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10,000 SMILES YOGA Everyone is invited to join this historical event
10,000 SMILES YOGA Everyone is invited to join this historical event

 Not the ordinary yoga event, we bring together ten thousand smiling faces in one mega Yoga event to take the world by storm. Webca...

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當一定量的內臟脂肪其實是人體必需的,因為內臟脂肪圍繞著人的臟器,對人的內臟起著支撐、穩定和保護的作用。然而,當內臟脂肪 堆積過多時,一方面就會形成水桶腰、將軍肚等造成身材不美觀的問題...

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问:“为什么老婆这么漂亮,还去嫖娼?” 答:虽然买了保时捷,谁敢保证出门不打车啊! 一问一答,解决了多少人心中积累已久的困惑。 妻子匆匆赶到派出所, 见面甩了一个耳光问:“家里有不” 答曰:“有” 妻子接着一耳光又问:“要时给不” 答曰:“给” ...

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Racist and Unprofessional RapidKL Bus Driver. I’m not fighting for myself or my race, but I’m fighting as a Malaysian!
Racist and Unprofessional RapidKL Bus Driver. I’m not fighting for myself or my race, but I’m fighting as a Malaysian!

Well, today let me tell you a wonderful story of a RapidKL bus driver who was very unprofessional and a racist idiot. His name is Roslan...

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KFC staff fighting again in Jalan Raja Laut
KFC staff fighting again in Jalan Raja Laut

PETALING JAYA: A video involving Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) staff is going viral on social media. This time, the video is of two emplo...

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The world’s first glass-bottomed plane by Virgin Atlantic Airline
The world’s first glass-bottomed plane by Virgin Atlantic Airline

Im thrilled to announce that Virgin has created another world-first with the introduction of the technology required to produce  the ...

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